一文弄懂神经网络中的反向传播法——BackPropagation – Charlotte77 – 博客园

最近在看深度学习的东西,一开始看的吴恩达的UFLDL教程,有中文版就直接看了,后来发现有些地方总是不是很明确,又去看英文版,然后又找了些资料看,才发现,中文版的译者在翻译的时候会对省略的公式推导过程进行补充,但是补充的又是错的,难怪觉得有问题。反向传播法其实是神经网络的基础了,但是很多人在学的时候总是会遇到一些问题,或者看到大篇的公式觉得好像很难就退缩了,其实不难,就是一个链式求导法则反复用。如果不想看公式,可以直接把数值带进去,实际的计算一下,体会一下这个过程之后再来推导公式,这样就会觉得很容易了。 继续阅读“一文弄懂神经网络中的反向传播法——BackPropagation – Charlotte77 – 博客园”

用Tensorflow让神经网络自动创造音乐 – Charlotte77 – 博客园

前几天看到一个有意思的分享,大意是讲如何用Tensorflow教神经网络自动创造音乐。听起来好好玩有木有!作为一个Coldplay死忠粉,第一想法就是自动生成一个类似Coldplay曲风的音乐,于是,开始跟着Github上的教程(项目的名称:Project Magenta)一步一步做,弄了三天,最后的生成的音乐在这里(如果有人能告诉我怎么在博客里插入音乐请赶快联系我!谢谢!) 继续阅读“用Tensorflow让神经网络自动创造音乐 – Charlotte77 – 博客园”

[WTB] Teach me to manually create an OP_RETURN tx

Okay, I’ll try. I created f3784ea6df802af5de7bfd8dd6af8eb07cf317b873f09f895586cd09892e897b a few minutes ago and will use this as example.

Start up your Bitcoin-Qt/bitcoind v0.9 client and go Help – Debug. Enter: “getrawtransaction f3784ea6df802af5de7bfd8dd6af8eb07cf317b873f09f895586cd09892e897b”.

You will then see the transaction as hex*: 继续阅读“[WTB] Teach me to manually create an OP_RETURN tx”

How to put custom messages into Bitcoin blockchain – OP_RETURN – Wojciech Programming Blog

I have spent last few days looking very closely at OP_RETURN features. This blogpost summarizes my findings and thoughts.

Bitcoin transactions – recap

Every bitcoin transaction creates outputs (called transaction outputs, sometimes called txout) from one or more transaction inputs. All except one type of these transaction output types will create spendable outputs (called unspent transaction outputs – UTXO), the type that behaves differently is OP_RETURN
The UTXO are tracked and stored by every full node (btcd or bitcoin-core/satoshi client). You can say, that transactions consume inputs and create new outputs. One transaction can contain one or more inputs and one or more outputs.
Transaction outputs have 2 parts:
  • value – how much money you are sending
  • locking script – this can be understand as a set of conditions that allow you to “spend” this output. For example this can be an ownership of a specific private key.

继续阅读“How to put custom messages into Bitcoin blockchain – OP_RETURN – Wojciech Programming Blog”

字符编解码的故事(ASCII,ANSI,Unicode,Utf-8区别) – I’m Sure – ITeye技术网站

再后来,他们又做了一些可以处理这些字节的机器,机器开动了,可以用字节来组合出更多的状态,状态开始变来变去。他们看到这样是好的,于是它们就这机器称为”计算机”。 继续阅读“字符编解码的故事(ASCII,ANSI,Unicode,Utf-8区别) – I’m Sure – ITeye技术网站”


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