WebClient vs HttpClient – thankplus – 博客频道 – CSDN.NET









Avail­able in older ver­sion of .NET


.NET 4.5 only. Cre­ated to sup­port the grow­ing need of the Web API REST calls




WinRT appli­ca­tions can­not use WebClient


Http­Client can be used with WinRT




Pro­vides progress report­ing for downloads.


No progress report­ing for downloads.




Does not reuse resolved DNS, configured-cookies.


Can resuse resolved DNS, cookie con­fig­u­ra­tion and other authentication.




You need to new up a Web­Client to make con­cur­rent request.


Sin­gle Http­Client can make con­cur­rent requests.




Thin layer over WebRe­quest and WebResponse


Thin layer over Http­We­bRe­quest and HttpWebResponse




Mock­ing and test­ing Web­Client is difficult


Mock­ing and test­ing Http­Client is easy




Sup­ports FTP.


No sup­port for FTP.




Both syn­chro­nous and Asyn­chro­nous meth­ods are avail­able for IO bound requests.


All IO bound meth­ods in HTTP­Client are asynchronous.




